Sunday, October 22, 2017

I'm supposed to do WHAT with my face?! Skincare Series Part 1

So far to start off, we have talked about a subscription box, swatched some eyeshadows, but what about the base that we put all these awesome products on? You are probably asking yourself what base I am talking about. I am talking about your skin! Your skin is your canvas, how in the world are you supposed to keep it at it’s best?! Let’s dive into a few different steps you should be doing as part of your skincare routine and why you should be doing them.

First off, washing your face is SO important. Not only will washing your face help cleanse your skin of the daily pollutants it picks up, but it will also help to maintain clear skin and boost hydration. (I know when I was in my early 20’s I was super lazy with this step and my skin showed it!)

After washing, using a toner is a great next step prior to utilizing other skincare products. Toner is a step that is believed to help aid in removing any residue left behind from cleansing and also help prepare the skin for the next skin care step, which is usually a serum or moisturizer.  The main purpose of toner is to help balance/renew the skin pH, to help it maintain its "healthy balance" prior to the application of other skincare items.

The third skincare step is applying facial serums and/or moisturizer. But, there is a lingering question to this step, do I apply my face serum or moisturizer first? The simplest way to answer this question is to begin by layering your lightest skin care product first (serum) working up towards your thickest item (moisturizer.) Serums provide vitamins and other helpful ingredients, that can be absorbed deeply into the skin. Serums can be found in either liquid or gel form.  Moisturizer will help to banish dry or dehydrated skin, and help to prepare the skin for makeup application. (**Keep in mind, certain targeted skincare serum/moisturizer may have ingredients that can contraindicate each other, i.e. vitamin c and niacinamide. Always double check when using more than one targeted product, that your products will work synergistic with each other, rather than against!)

The final step, is actually performed in between using face serum and moisturizer. Eye cream is best applied after using face serums, but before using moisturizer. Treating the skin around your eyes is just as important as treating the skin on your face! Different eye creams will focus on specific eye concerns (dark circles, wrinkles, puffiness, etc), but regardless of the formula, it will also prepare your eyes for concealers and eyeshadow applications.

Optional steps in someone's skin care routine can include topical prescription products from a dermatologist, spot treatments for blemishes, targeted creams or serums for specific concerns (aging, acne, discoloration, scarring, etc), and even can include face masks or hydrogel/essence based facial patches.

Healthy nourished skin is the key to building a fantastic base for your makeup to apply onto, as well as keeping up with that healthy, youthful glow we are all after.

What are your go to steps in your skincare routine? Anything you absolutely have to do or anything you skip? Let us know what your skincare routine is like down below in the comment section. What questions do you have for us about skincare?


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